Digital Multi-Channel One-Stop Shop
Guichet Unique Multicanal Numérique - Ventanilla Única Multicanal Digital - Sportello Unico Digitale Multicanale
The ADUSBEF, as a consumer defense association, has distinguished itself over the years for the activities carried out on banking and insurance issues. Precisely these issues, during the current health emergency, have taken on a central role, thanks to the greater financial exposure of many citizens who have had a contraction in their income.
Since the beginning of the health emergency we have witnessed a sharp increase in requests for information at our branches, mainly focused on the measures put in place by the Government, on the possibility of obtaining suspensions for the obligations assumed towards both public and private creditors , on the methods relating to reimbursements for services already paid for but no longer usable due to the pandemic (travel, gym memberships, etc. etc.), on the methods of accessing public and private services, on the rights for purchases made through sales online. The succession of legislative measures and excessive information of poor quality have further worsened the situation of many citizens, encouraging excessive expectations and incorrect behaviour.
Do you need help?
Fill out the following form or write to us at [email protected]
Your request will be taken over by the system and automatically assigned to an office that will be able to provide you with the necessary assistance.
Project Funded by the MIMIT D.M. 6/5/2022 art. 5